era-contact Suzhou Co. Ltd.
Suzhou, China

Founded in 2003, era-contact Suzhou in China carries out production with more than 240 employees over an area of around 9,800 m² in Suzhou Industrial Park. We produce the entire range of era-contact products and offer our international customers first-class service.

Since acquiring an expert development team in 2016, we have been broadening our competence as a system supplier for cable assemblies and control cabinet construction. As a partner for comprehensive solutions, we also cover from China the international needs of our customers.

We offer:

  • Customized development and production
  • Series production
  • Internationally recognized certifications of quality assurance
  • Logistical advantages such as low transport costs and short delivery times
  • Sector-independent production Expertise

Benefits of our location in Suzhou, China:

  • Market proximity to our international customers
  • China as a central production center for Asia
  • A local team with cultural and linguistic understanding
  • Access to the Asian market
  • Highly qualified employees thanks to an excellent training System

For our globally established customers as well as, in particular, our partners operating in the Asian market, we offer teams of experts and specialists who have not only the requisite technical background, but also internationally important cultural and linguistic skills. Primarily Chinese, English and German are spoken at era-contact Suzhou – an important basis for the trustful cooperation with our partners as equals.

At era-contact Suzhou in China, we engage in project management and manufacturing according to the internationally recognized and certified standards established and implemented at all subsidiaries of the aichele GROUP. Our excellently trained employees ensure a high level of consistent quality that is also backed up by regular quality control.

Thanks to this practiced cultural flexibility and training in languages and skills on the part of our Chinese employees, we are able to meet the international high standards of training and product quality through local production.

As part of the family-run holding company aichele GROUP, we also have the manufacturing expertise for the automotive industry – expertise primarily utilized by our affiliate BREMI-Fahrzeugelektrik GmbH – PREMIUM CAR SYSTEMS.

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